Graffiti in u'r Body

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Dijaški dom Nova Gorica

Dijaški dom Nova Gorica is the response from Google when you type "ddng"Dijaški dom Nova Gorica


Picture : Kees K.Same - Alora


Video including TLP (Two Lurking Phreks), SUCR, OBLIG, PSK, JONAS, RALER and WCMS.

Pages After Pages

Btw, a decipherment by the brilliant S...:D


Just joking guys...we looooooooove Sushi Tei...our favorite Japanese-food resto! :)

Graffiti Sketches: Graffiti Alphabet Cool High Heels

Graffiti sketch on paper with the design of high-heeled shoes with graffiti alphabet and a beautiful color combination. Suitable for young children today. Graffiti alphabet in high heels cool

Monday, November 29, 2010


I am glad to have S in my life...alhamdulillah...:)

Delirium shirt, BOW Juellerie bow hairband, Owlet Ie blue shorts & love/like ring, Topshop tights, Up wedges

Graffiti Sketches: Graffiti Alphabet High Heels

Graffiti art in high heels. Graffiti sketch creative. Stay apply with spray paint on your shoes.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Stad Mechelen laat illegale graffiti op 22 plaatsen verwijderen, maar wil namelijk twee oefenmuren voor graffiti zorgvuldig bepalen ...

Eric Van Eycken - Het Nieuwsblad - 27 nov. 2010

My Heart Is Not Blue

I'm loving these satin heels I bought from're awesome, June! :)

DR for Bloop Endorse shirt & skirt, thrifted blazer, unbranded scarf worn as belt, June + Julia heels

Btw, it's almost December, which means Up is almost about to launch....yippiiee!! Follow Up on twitter @iwearUP...cheers! :)

Graffiti Alphabet "Sabataz"

Graffiti sketch with sabataz alphabet. Sample make graffiti on paper. Write my name in graffiti. See also art graffiti murals at Merapi volcano erupted in my town

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Graffiti Alphabet Letters: Typograffiti

Create a graffiti style alphabet with a simple but cool. Such Typograffiti above. Graffiti from a-z or graffiti fonts.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Part 2 Done!!

So happy to have done our 2nd round of our Blogger Yard Sale..and it was even more fun this time given that more bloggers participated...yay! :)

DR for Bloop Endorse shirt, Coloriot shorts, unbranded tights, Forever 21 necklace,

Below are some pictures during the event...and if you noticed, the color of the photos are slightly different than the usual as I used a new camera...;p And oh, I asked all the bloggers to take a picture with my orange bear hehehhe....

Some lovely readers that came...thank you! :)

Bena kindly came and helped me out an itsy bitsy teenie weenie bit...:D

And my geeky S...;p

Me: "What does that mean?"
Him: "Sharjeel eats Diana. Pacman!"

Thank you so much for dropping by and even shopping, peeps! Hope we meet some other time...:)

We Are Who We Are

Someone from Malaysia sent me an email, asking about my decision to resign from the company I was working for in order to pursue another opportunity that had no strong promise of its future potential, and had no guarantee on what it can bring to my life. She asked me how it felt, during those very defining moments...:)

It was hard! It was hard to even just make up my own mind. I would wake up in the morning so convinced that I had to resign, but then during the day, I would actually enjoy my work and cherish the wonderful colleagues I had, then develop a second thought that I should not resign, and just manage everything as best as possible. I felt good by the compliments I received from my bosses...I enjoyed the stable income, the clear career path, the delicious treats from agencies. I enjoyed what I was given. But then at night, I would wonder what most matters in life, and what would make not only myself happy, but my soul as well. I thought about it for a very long time. And I finally knew, that I want to enjoy the feeling of creating something, from my very own hands.

For whatever that is I wanted to do, I needed time, and I needed to focus. Working 9 to 5 surely didn't allow me to have enough time, moreover the energy I needed. And I guess that was it. That was the simplest, strongest reason why I quit my have enough energy and time. I want to be able to enjoy both worlds, but do I need to? And even if I succeed in convincing myself that I need to, am I actually able to? It became about measuring my own capabilities in the most genuine & realistic manner. So I resigned.

I was scared, not of failing, but of regretting. But in life, I guess we should never have regrets, for having so doesn't do us any favor but sadness. And for whatever happens next, we can always have a another plan, right?

The more I grow older, the more I learn to be true to myself. It sounds cheesy, I know. But it matters, really. I could have lied, and told myself that I can maintain my career and do what I wanted to do both at the same time. I could've been a super someone. But I'm not. For nobody is. And I guess I could have just gone with my career, to play safe. But dreams are there to pursue, and it's pretty that way.

If there's a will, there's a way. And if it's positive, the universe is with us...:)

Be true to yourself, guys...100% original...:)

Sya One in the UK

Just a couple of pieces whilst im back in the UK. Not for long tho !!!!!!! Plus its so cold.

Graffiti Murals Merapi

Graffiti mural was created after a volcano erupted Merapi. Mount Merapi erupted on 5 November 2010. Merapi eruption was even more devastating than the eruption of Merapi in 1872.
Residents Hail Magelang regency, Central Java, Merapi eruption incised memories of the events of 2010 in a frame of graffiti art murals. The work of art in painting murals on a wall owned by residents in Yogyakarta, Magelang highway, dated 26 November 2010.

There are three works, each mural panel drawing all the events of the Merapi eruption began drawing lijar molten lava, pyroclastic fury (wedhus trash) and residents flee.
Vertical eruption events become special memories for residents and nearby Magelang because almost for about 10 days the areas exposed to rain ash is very thick and dense.
Pyroclastic fury / wedhus gembel also depicted with a distance range up to a radius of 15 km from the summit.
Massive displacement events for the citizens of Magelang, Sleman and Klaten become special memories for not only humans but animals are also displaced. [Via]

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Launch & Ready To Mingle

Anybody here using Nokia? If you do...pleeeeeaaasseee download the mobile application of my blog here. It has a nicer layout to read (specialized for phones), faster to access, and you'll have your very own Hot Chocolate and Mint launcher on your screen..woohoooo!! :)

Graffiti Sketch: I Love Graffiti Alphabet

Sketch. I Love Graffiti Alphabet

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


- Heast -


- Nalide Acr -


On December 11, Lezarts Urbains organizing a tour around the graffiti and street art in Brussels.

Accompanied by experts and artists, we suggest you go to meet the work of these artists with unexpected patterns and discover some of the emblematic sites of graffiti and urban art in Brussels but also places where surprises the public does not usually move!

Practical information: € 5 including tours, bus rides. From 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 50 places available. Listings and info from Caroline: 02/5381512 or

Source :

Picture : Reset (Atomix - October 2010)

-Brussels graffiti tour-
Graffiti in u'r Body