What's the percentage of Taiwanese school kids who have to wear glasses because they are forced to study for so many long hours for such inane examinations? Hmm just noticed the pike. Hmm. May not be suitable for younger viewers. S'alright, it's under a bridge by the river.
Omen knocks me out. Look at the shading he uses in his bigger pieces, and then look at this small one on the back of a light box. The dude is awesome. Doesn't have to carry a lot of different colors of paint either, huh?
Omen left this up on a bare wall three blocks from my apartment. There used to be a KTV on the corner of Dong Xing Rd and DaDuen 12th street (actually, I can't remember if it's 12th or 11th St, or even if it's called DaDuen there, but if you're reading this in England it doesn't really matter to you, does it?) Again, I gotta say thanks to 4Cru for beautifying the city.
No, 4Crew hasn't packed up and moved to N'awlins. The fine folks at Reuters have collected phrases that have been sprayed on the remains of the city. No pictures, just good clean black humor.
Thanks to KatieCalie at "What's in Katie's Mind" for turning me on to the graffs under the train tracks downtown. Katie's in high school here in Taichung and her blog lends some insight into the life of a Taiwanese high school student.
Another Stencil.Uncle Fester? This one is over by NOVA on a support column for the pedestrian overpass.
An abandoned kindergarten off of WuChuan Rd, I think. This is a couple of blocks behind Chung Shan hospital on Taichung Harbor Rd.
Omen & 4 Crew
There was a joke I recall about a (insert your racial stereotype here) and a (insert another racial stereotype here) who had a kid. What did he do? He spray painted his name on chain link fences.
Bobo on the ... front of... ok, I know it's a store. Let me get back to you on this one.
It's a shoe store, but I've never seen it open. They wouldn't have my size, anway.
Door Number 2
BOBO in mixed media on Chung Cheng Rd, just south of where it becomes Taichungkang Rd.
There's a string of shops that have had their doors done by 4Crew. The square piece by Bobo is bolted to the wall.
I'm pretty sure I've seen this before, but not in black and white.
I don't know who this guy is, but his picture is every where in this city.
The Great and Powerful Oz. Looks like the jackass in the White House.
One eye blind, the other eye scanning the way ahead for obstacles. No time to talk.
Another whisper from Omen.
Admiring the local talent.
OMEN under the train tracks. I can't remember what street this is...it's South of the train station.
Birds on a Wire.
Lucky Lucky 88. A few new stencils lately
Say No Evil. Phonebox by the first canal up from the train station.
All those angles and arrows...looks like FAST. This is on a wall just up from the Post Office on Yingtsai Rd.
Double Omen tag a few blocks north of the art museum.